2nd Annual WIL Luncheon
September 22, 2012
Jersey City, NJ
Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Gould
Dr. Gould received her Ph.D. from UCLA and completed a postdoc at The Rockefeller University, where her pioneering work on neurogenesis and cell death shaped the early development of these fields. Dr. Gould went on to join Princeton University as a professor of psychology. Her lab has produced breakthrough work on the effects of stress, hormonal factors, glucocorticoids, aging, maternal care and exercise on adult neurogenesis, structural plasticity, and memory.
For information about relevant publications and ongoing research in Dr. Gould's lab, please visit: princeton.edu/~goulde/index.html
Thank you!
We are proud to report that our 2nd annual luncheon was another success! We had an amazing turnout, with almost 70 people in attendance, from across a variety of labs and countries!
Thank you to all who made it out to our 2012 Luncheon. It was a wonderful opportunity for all supporters of Women in Learning to gather, enjoy food, wine, and exceptional company! Thank you to our wonderful speaker this year, Dr. Elizabeth Gould, who shared with us her perspectives and insights on being a women in science. And an especially big Thank You to all of you for being a part of WIL!
A special thanks to the following people whom made this event possible:
- Jeff Wilson and Peter Balsam for their incredible support and promotion of WIL this year.
- Sisters Samantha and Beki Coagan of COATT jewlery, whose gracious donation of custom made morse-coded necklaces (spelling "WIL"), allowed us to raise the final funding needed for the luncheon (check them out at www.coattonline.com)
- Markers Restaurant in Jersey City for their friendly and accommodating staff and their amazing food (www.markersrestaurant.com)
- Cynthia at downtown Los Angeles-based Deluxe Screenprinting, whom provided us with a great deal on WIL tank tops (deluxescreenprinting.net)
-- Team WIL