9th Annual WIL Luncheon

OCTOBER 5th, 2019
Vancouver, BC, Canada
SPEAKER: DR. Sheena Josselyn

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Dr. Sheena Josselyn is a senior scientist in the Neuroscience and Mental Health Department at the Hospital for Sick Kids and is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychology, Physiology, and the Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto. She earned her bachelor's degree in Life Sciences and a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Queen’s University, and went on to receive a Ph.D. in Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Toronto under the direction of Dr. Franco Vaccarino. Her post-doctoral research was conducted in Dr. Mike Davis’s lab at Yale University and Dr. Alcino Silva’s lab at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Dr. Josselyn has been at the Hospital for Sick Kids at the University of Toronto since completing her post-doc, where she now focuses her research on elucidating mechanisms of memory processes to understand cognitive function and dysfunction. Some of her more recent groundbreaking work has focused on the encoding, storage, and extinction processes underlying fear learning, specifically, determining which subsets of lateral amygdala cells are necessary for encoding any one specific memory. Through her work, Dr. Josselyn has played a significant role in understanding the processes of memory allocation, remote memory, neurogenesis, and forgetting, and the goals of her lab are to apply these basic findings to human disorders.

Dr. Josselyn is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1), an EJLB Scholar and a Senior Fellow in the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR). She has mentored many trainees, authored numerous publications and book chapters, and is an editor for several publications and journals. We are very excited to welcome her as our distinguished guest speaker at 2019 Women in Learning (WIL) luncheon.

To learn more about Dr. Josselyn’s research, please visit: http://www.sickkids.ca/AboutSickKids/Directory/People/J/Sheena-Josselyn.html

Thank you!

Big thank you to Jeff Wilson, Event Photography for continuously supporting WIL. We had our biggest turnout ever this year! We continued with giving out our Outstanding Graduate Woman in Learning Award this year. The winner was Kristina Wright, and the runners up were Hayley Fisher and Anastasia Chalkia!

This year was also extremely important to us as we reached a big milestone: we officially became a 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organization! We hope to take our group to new heights with this new status, and we thank you all for your support and belief in us.

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year in Vermont!